Integrated Resources Institute (IRI) Announces Grant for Employment Workforce Capacity Building

Integrated Resources Institute (IRI), in collaboration with California Association for Persons Supporting Employment First (CA APSE) is thrilled to announce it was awarded a grant from North Los Angeles Regional Center (NLACRC), which will enable us to train and mentor employment service providers, further enhancing the support we provide to the people we serve.


The Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) training program is a comprehensive certificate course on Traditional and Customized Employment for Employment Services Providers. Provider staff who successfully complete the training will receive a National ACRE Certificate, signifying their advanced skills in supporting adults with disabilities.


ACRE training provides the knowledges and skills to be an effective employment specialist for persons with disabilities. It also offers tools and resources to best meet the needs of each person served. Obtaining an ACRE Certificate also adds staff to the ACRE registry and also prepares them to take the Certified Employment Support Professional (CESP) exam through the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE). Additionally, this certification meets one of the requirements for the Career Pathway Navigator, the new DDS employment pilot program.

"We offer ACRE a certificate program in Basic Employment based upon curriculum developed by two other organizations that provide ACRE training, TransCen and Penn Mar," said Roy Wilson, Chief Training Officer at IRI. "We also got considerable assistance as well from ACRE Board Member, Dale Verstegen. Dale and a good number of associates from TransCen and Penn Mar provided consultation and guidance through the entire process of our curriculum development to ensure it met the high standards of ACRE… As ACRE members, we share a common goal which is to improve employment services and outcomes for individuals with disabilities by providing this competency-based training."


To date, IRI has trained and issued 165 certificates of achievement to those who successfully completed the course. Building on our success in training over 100 NLACRC staff and providers through our Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Employment Grant, IRI will utilize this grant to focus on four main areas of employment service provider training:

  1. Provision of ACRE Trainings: Offering in-person, virtual, and self-paced ACRE training sessions.

  2. Advanced Training Opportunities: Enabling holders of basic employment certificates to upgrade to basic customized employment certificates.

  3. Onsite Support: Providing onsite support for field assignments during ACRE training.

  4. Ongoing Consultation: Offering continuous consultation and support on employment best practices to NLACRC staff and providers throughout the grant's lifecycle.


The primary goal of this initiative is to increase the capacity for traditional and customized employment services within the NLACRC staff and provider community. By equipping provider staff with enhanced skills and knowledge, we aim to significantly improve the employment outcomes for the individuals we serve.

About Integrated Resources Institute (IRI):

Integrated Resources Institute (IRI) is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities through innovative employment programs and support services. We are committed to fostering inclusion and providing opportunities for meaningful employment.

To Learn More about the organizations involved, please visit:

North Los Angeles Regional Center -

California Association for Persons Supporting Employment First -

For more information, please contact:

Roy Wilson
Chief Training Officer


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