Integrated Resources Institute’s Suad Bisogno Selected To Serve On Workgroup for the Master Plan

We are thrilled to announce that our CEO, Suad Bisogno, has been selected to join Workgroup #3 for the Master Plan for Development Services. This significant recognition underscores our commitment to excellence and innovation in the industry.

This image shows a smiling woman with long curly hair sitting at a desk in an office. She is wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. There is a notebook in front of her and a organizational board behind her. The wall behind her has papers, pens, and other office supplies. There is also a globe, dried flowers, and a candle.

“I believe that it is critical to share the experiences and needs of our workforce to help build a better and brighter service system. The quality of life for the people we support is intertwined with the quality of supports we provide to them. Thank you for selecting me to be a part of the planning process to modernize the DDS system.” - Suad Bisogno, CEO


Over the last few years, in partnership with the Legislature, the Newsom Administration has made historic investments to increase rates within the developmental services system. The Master Plan will leverage these investments to strengthen accessibility, quality, and equity for all consumers.

In recognition that California’s developmental disabilities system is deeply connected to other health and social systems, the Master Plan will seek to create and strengthen bridges that connect the developmental services system to other critical systems across CalHHS, and other systems and services including education, housing, employment, transportation, and safety.

Individuals who receive services today face affordable housing shortages, lower rates of employment, and the challenges of accessing services from other systems and sectors to address their physical, social, and behavioral health needs.

A 21st-century developmental services system must increase its ability to provide culturally responsive services and strengthen the accountability and standardization of the system so that it is easier for individuals and their families to navigate no matter where they live in California.

Vision for the Master Plan:

  • A Plan for the future of Developmental Services to effectively provide equitable, consistent, and accessible services to all Californians with developmental disabilities

  • A Plan created with and by our partners across the state, centering the diverse voices of people with lived experience, to create a plan for the entire lifespan

  • The goal is to modernize the system where the state pays for services based on quality service for the whole person, across all states of life, across all our diverse communities


The California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) received over 850 applications from diverse and highly qualified individuals for the Master Plan for Development Services Workgroups. After a thorough review, Suad has been invited to participate in Workgroup #3, focusing on ensuring individuals and their families receive services from a high-quality, stable, and person-centered workforce.

Possible Priority Areas include:

  • Employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to work in systems and support their peers

  • Skills and knowledge to provide person-centered services and help individuals achieve their identified outcomes

  • culturally responsive services and language capacity to meet the needs of individuals served

  • Service coordinator roles and responsibilities

  • Address service barriers in remote and rural communities

This opportunity allows Suad to collaborate with other distinguished members to contribute valuable insights and recommendations. We are confident that her participation will drive positive change and help strengthen accessibility, quality, and equity in developmental services across California.

For more information on the Master Plan for Development Services, please visit the CalHHS website:


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